Channing Justice
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference...”
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Building an effective social justice program begins with understanding the issues, thinking together to understand the times we live in, the institutional crises we face, the consequences of our behavior and our place in the world. "There can be no excuse for not being aware of injustice, human suffering, inequity in this world." [Adam Foley, University of Delaware, 2016]
Learn About Issues
Immigration as a Moral Issue UUA Statement of Conscience
Central American Migrant Justice (UUSC)
Economic Justice
Criminal Justice
Reform Courts and Correctional Systems (UULMMD)
Climate Change
Medical Aid in Dying
Health Care
Enhance Affordable Health Care Act and Provide for Affordable Prescriptions (UULMMD)
Learn About UU Social Justice Organizations and Opportunities
Becoming aware takes many forms. For Unitarian Universalists, we have opportunities to learn and engage internationally, nationally and locally.
Advance Justice Worldwide
Support the UU Service Committee,
UU United Nations Office
Make "Good Trouble" in the USA
Support UUA Side With Love and
UU's for Social Justice, UUA Justice & Inclusion
Make Maryland More Just
Support UU Legislative Ministry of MD
UU Service Committee
UUA United Nations Office
Side With Love
UU's for Social Justice
UUA Justice & Inclusion
UU Legislative Ministry of MD
Congregational Study Guides – See the UUA’s Congregation Study/Action Issues on Racism, Immigration, Green New Deal, Democracy
Webinars from the UUA's Side With Love campaign
Resources from the joint UUA and UU Service Committee's Love Resists campaign
Educational and skill-building resources from the UU Service Committee
Commentaries from UU's for Social Justice
Worship Services including lay and special speakers
Adult/Youth/ Children Religious Education
UU College of Social Justice – Experiential Learning
Some Opportunities: Participate in or lead a worship service; teach a justice lesson to adults, young adults, children; attend a film series, monitor a public policy or the actions of a legislator or a government agency
Participate in Channing's Book Club or discussion groupsI