Channing Justice

The UUtheVote 2024 campaign is getting underway. Intersecting with several Unitarian Universalist Association programs such as Side With Love and the UU Service Committee’s Love Resists, UUtheVote seeks to mobilize UUs, voters and local communities to understand the threats to our democracy, to engage with state action networks (like UULMMD) and collectively win on ballot measures that promote and affirm our UU values.
UUtheVote encourages congregations to become “Good Trouble” Congregations, honoring the late Congressman John Lewis who said, “Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Join Channing's VoteForward letter-writing team to send letters to voters in swing states and in MD to remind them of the importance of their votes and to vote November 5. Contact Jim C.