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Channing Justice
MD General Assembly To Convene January 8, 2025
CASA Lists Legislative Priorities That UULMMD Will Support
There are three as yet to be introduced bills that we will be supporting during this legislative session.
They are:
Protecting Sensitive Locations Act. As you may know, in 2011 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issue a memorandum proscribing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from entering “sensitive locations” or “safe spaces” such as schools, hospitals, churches. On January 21, 2025, President Trump rescinded this memo, now allowing ICE agents to enter these facilities. The proposed state bill will address how the state and its agencies will respond. The bill, when introduced, will be considered an Emergency Bill which means that upon passage by the General Assembly the Governor must sign it within a specific time frame and the bill will be scheduled for early enactment. When the bill is introduced, you may want to contact your congregational members who are educators and health professionals and encourage them to offer testimony in support of the bill. I expect to have sample testimony available.
Unity Act (Ending 287g Agreements.) This bill, although not yet introduced, has been drafted and we are seeking legislative co-sponsors. Stay tuned for a list of current co-sponsors. If your legislators are not listed, you are encouraged to contact them and ask them to co-sponsor. 287g Agreements, also known as Intergovernmental Service Agreements between ICE and local law enforcement agencies that “deputize” local law enforcement officers to serve, in effect, as ICE agents. Three counties – Cecil, Fredrick and Harford – have 287g agreements. This bill seeks to end these agreements. Immigration enforcement is a Federal responsibility and Federal, not state or county resources should be used for this purpose.
Data Privacy. Several years ago, we successfully barred the MVA from sharing data with ICE. Unfortunately, ICE may still obtain data about citizenship status from other state agencies, including hospitals, educational institutions. This bill will prevent ICE’s fishing expeditions and state data sharing. This bill is still in the drafting stage.
We expect these bills to be introduced soon.
Additionally, we previously asked you to support the Dream Act Expansion (HB207/SB268) that reduced the tax year eligibility requirements for Dreamers’ parents and guardians from three years to two years for in-state tuition. Thank you for your support. Visit the UULMMD Take Action Page to contact your legislator.
We also asked you to oppose HB85, the Rachel Morin Act that effectively ends all sanctuary policies in MD and requires state participation in the enforcement of Federal immigration laws. Again, thank you for your support in opposing this bill. Visit the UULMMD Take Action Page to contact your legislator.
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